Saturday, 24 December 2016


French physicist Léon Foucault discovered eddy currents in September 1855. Eddy current are those which are produced or induced in the masses of metals, whenever these metals are moved in the magnetic field, or the magnetic field moves through the metals. The direction of the eddy currents is always in the direction opposite to the cause (motion) producing them.
An eddy current (also called Foucault currents) is a swirl (like a whirlpool) of current that is induced in a solid conducting mass. The eddy currents are usually of small intensity but may be enormous. They always incur power loss i.e. I^2 R loss, which causes the output of the machine to decrease.
When AC current flows in a conductor, the resistance offered to the conductor is somewhat greater than the resistance that would be offered to dc current by the same conductor. The reasons for the increase in resistance, are due to the fact that when an AC current flows in a conductor, it causes voltages to be set up inside of the conductor. The voltage set up in the conductor cause small independent currents, called eddy currents. The eddy currents flowing through the resistance of the conductor consume power and therefore represent a power loss, or an increase in resistance, in the circuit.

The transformer core is a conductor. The changing magnetic flux in the core of a transformer induces a voltage into any conductors which surround it and also in the core.
The voltage induced in the core causes the current to circulate in the core. This current is called eddy current. The eddy current flowing through the resistance of the core produce heat.
The amount of heat due to eddy current is dependent on
(a) Eddy current and (b) induced voltage.
1. Each lamination of the transformer core is insulated within a layer of oxide.
2. The oxide has much higher resistance than the rest of the silicon steel lamination.
3. The eddy current would have to flow through the oxide layers in order to circulate through the core.
4. The high resistance of the oxide on each lamination effectively reduces the flow of eddy current.
5. Thus laminating the core reduces the eddy current and its associated heat loss.
It is difficult to determine the magnitude of eddy current and actual resistance values directly.
Eddy current losses are caused by induced electric currents, called eddies since they tend to flow in closed paths within
the magnetic material itself.
The eddy current loss is sinusoidally excited material, neglecting saturation can be expressed by the relationship.
Eddy current loss = Pe = Ke Bm^2 t^2 f^2 V   watts
Ke – eddy current coefficient and its value depends upon the
nature of the material
Bm^2 – maximum flux density in T
t^2 – thickness of lamination in m
f^2 – frequency of flux in Hz
V – volume of material in m^3.
The eddy-current loss per unit volume of a magnetic core subjected to a time-varying flux is given by
Eddy current loss = Pe = [1.645/ρ] t^2 f^2 Bm^2 watts / m^3      
ρ = resistivity of the material.
Laminated core means the core is made of a number of thin sheets, called laminations. The sheets are painted (varnished) to provide insulation between them.
Eddy currents always tend to flow at right angles to the direction of the flux; if the resistance of the path is increased by laminating the cores etc., the power loss can be reduced because the eddy current loss varies as the square of the thickness of the laminations.
The lamination thickness varies from 0.5 to 5 mm in electrical machines and from 0.01 to 0.5 mm in devices used in electronics circuits operating at higher frequencies.
At radio frequencies, the eddy current loss is very high because the loss is proportional to the square of the frequency. Granulated or powdered-iron cores are used to make radio frequency transformers.
The main drawback of laminated core is that the total cross-sectional area of the magnetic material is reduced by the total thickness of the insulation.
This is generally taken into account by allowing about 10% reduction in the thickness of core when making the magnetic calculations.
It is defined as the ratio of the effective area to the overall area.
Ks = effective area / overall area
It is also defined as the ratio of the volume occupied by the magnetic material to the total volume of the core.
Ks = volume occupied by magnetic material / total volume of the core.
The stacking factor is important in calculating flux densities in magnetic parts. It is usually less than 1.0. It approaches 1.0 as the lamination thickness increases.
In powdered iron and ferrite magnetic parts, there is an equivalent staking factor that is approximately equal to the ratio of the volume of the magnetic particles to overall volume.
Laminated Thickness (mm)                    Staking Factor
0.0127                                                              0.50
0.0254                                                              0.75
0.0508                                                              0.85
0.1 – 0.25                                                          0.90
0.27 – 0.36                                                        0.95
1. Eddy current heating is used for heating metals; for examples melting, hardening and other heat-treatment processes.
2. Eddy current damping is used in permanent magnet moving coil instruments.
3. Eddy current braking is used in induction energy meters.

Saturday, 10 December 2016


Magnetic domain - This means that the individual magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned with one another and they point in the same direction.
Magnetic moment - The property of a magnet that interacts with an applied field to give a mechanical moment.
Molecular magnet – A molecule having a non-vanishing magnetic dipole moment, whether it is permanent or produced by an external field.
Magnetic dipole moment – The magnetic moment of a magnet is a quantity that determines the torque it will experience in an external magnetic field. Magnetic moment normally refers to a system's magnetic dipole moment, which produces the first term in the multipole expansion of a general magnetic field.
Molecular friction – The opposition offered by the magnetic domains to the turning effect of the magnetizing force is sometimes referred to as the molecular friction. 
In order to set up the magnetic field certain, amount of energy has to be supplied which is stored in the field. If the field is in a magnetic field, not all energy supplied can be returned; part of it having been converted into heat due to the hysteresis effect.
# When a magnetic material is magnetized, its domains are aligned in the same direction. If the material is magnetized in reverse direction, there is a cyclic variation of the applied field, the domains rotate to and fro, which creates the loss of power called hysteresis loss. [OR]
# If the material is magnetized in one direction and then in other an energy loss takes place due to the molecular friction in the material. The material resists being turned first in one direction and then in other. Energy is thus expanded in the material to overcoming this opposition. In this process, there is a loss. This loss appears in the form of heat and raises the temperature of the magnetic material.
Area of the hysteresis loop is proportional to the hysteresis loss.  
Hysteresis loss cannot be avoided but can be minimized by selecting proper materials.
The following table gives the hysteresis constants.
METALS                                   CONSTANT
Silicon Steel                             0.001
Thin sheet iron                        0.003
Wrought iron                            0.004
Soft annealed cast steel           0.008
Soft machine steel                   0.009
Cast steel                                 0.012
Cast iron                                  0.016
Lesser the hysteresis constant, better the metal for A.C. electromagnet. So usually the silicon steel is used for a.c machines.
The B-H curve is nonlinear and multivalued and no simple mathematical expression can describe the loop.
Charles Steinmetz, an electrical engineer of USA, carried out the investigation into hysteresis loss of a number of specimens of different materials and found that hysteresis loss can be expressed as Hysteresis loss = Kh v f (Bmax)1.6 watts.
Where kh is a constant for a given specimen, v is the volume of the core in m3, f is the frequency and Bmax is the maximum flux density in Tesla.
The index 1.6 is an empirical value and does not have any theoretical basis. The index value can vary in the range 1.5 to 2.5.

Friday, 9 December 2016


Magnetic materials are classified as
(i) Ferromagnetic material and (ii) Ferrimagnetic material.
Ferromagnetic material – Iron and its various alloys
Hard ferromagnetic material – permanent magnetic materials such as alnicos, chrome steels, certain copper-nickel alloys
Ferrimagnetic materials – mixed oxides of iron and other metals.
The oxide mixture is sintered i.e. heated to a steady temperature of 1300 degree centigrade which is maintained for several hours. The material is known as ‘ferrite’ is chemically homogenous and extremely hard.
Ferrite has typically maximum flux density of 0.3 to 05 T, as compared to 2.18 T for pure iron.

The word hysteresis means lagging behind. The curve gets its name from the fact that the flux density (B) lags behind the magnetic flux intensity (H). B is the cause -  H is the effect.

The lagging flux density (B) behind the magnetizing force (H) in a magnetic material subjected to cycles of magnetization is known as magnetic hysteresis. 
When a magnetic material is subjected to one cycle of magnetization, B always lags behind H so that the resultant B-H curve forms a closed loop, called hysteresis loop.

1. The dotted curve passing through tips of the hysteresis loops is the normal magnetization curve or B-H curve of the material.
2. In a B-H curve, the value flux density (B) at H is equal to zero is known as the residual flux density (Br). [OR] When a field strength is reduced to zero the core is not completely demagnetized. There still remains a certain flux, called remanent flux density or residual flux density.
3. This remaining flux density in the core when H fell from the saturation value H to zero is called remanence of the core material.
4. The value of H to reduce flux density Br to zero is called coercive force HC.
5. The maximum possible value of residual flux (Br) corresponding to deep saturation is known as RETENTIVITY and the maximum value of Ho is the COERCIVITY.  

1. If the material is easily magnetized, the loop will be narrow.
2. If the material does not get magnetized easily, the loop will be wide.
3. Different materials will saturate at different values ‘B’ thus affecting the height of the loop.
4. The size and shape of the hysterias loop depend upon the nature of the material.
5. The size and shape of the loop also depend upon the initial state of the specimen.

1. Silicon steel has less hysteresis loop area. Due to less area, the hysteresis loss is less. Hence, it is widely used for making transformer cores and rotating machines.
2. Hard steel is large hysteresis loop area hence which has high retentivity and coercivity. Due to the large area of the loop, there is greater hysteresis loss. Hence, it is suitable for making permanent magnets.
3. Wrought iron has fairly good residual magnetism and coercivity. Hence, it is suitable for making cores of electromagnets.
4. Ferrite material is known as magnetic ceramic has square hysteresis loop. Hence it is suitable for switching circuits, as storage elements in computers, and in a special type of transformers in electronic circuits.
5. The magnetization curves for different ferromagnetic materials are shown in the figure. For economic reasons, magnetic circuits are designed with magnetic materials in a slightly saturated state. 

Thursday, 8 December 2016


Solenoid is a Greek work meaning ‘tube like’. A long coil of wire consisting of closely packed loops is called solenoid.
The length of the solenoid is very large as compared to its diameter.
1. To prevent magnetic saturation of the magnetic circuit.
2. To allow an object to move in the magnetic field.

The sum of the fluxes entering a junction in a magnetic circuit is equal to the sum of the fluxes leaving the junction (KCL).
In a closed path of a magnetic circuit, the algebraic sum of MMFs required to force the flux through the elements must be equal to the net ampere turns of excitation (KVL).

In a series magnetic circuit, the same flux flows through each part of the circuit.

A magnetic circuit which has more than one path for flux is called a parallel magnetic circuit. 

Sunday, 4 December 2016


Carbon Arc Welding (CAW) is a process which produces coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a non-consumable carbon (graphite) electrode and the work-piece. 

Carbon arc welding is one of the oldest welding techniques that are still in use today. DC power supply is used in this welding process. It is essential that the welding circuit is set-up for straight polarity. If a reversed-polarity setting is used, the arc will not be stable and a carbon residue will be left to become entrapped in the weld.
In carbon arc welding, the intense of the heat of an electric arc developed between a carbon electrode and work-piece metal is used for welding.
The carbon electrode is connected to the negative terminal and work-piece is connected to the positive terminal, because the positive terminal is hotter (4000°c) than the negative terminal (3000°c) when an arc is produced. 

The process of carbon arc welding uses low voltage, high amp electricity to heat the metal once an arc is formed between a carbon electrode and the piece being welded; if an arc is formed between two carbon electrodes that technique is known as a twin-carbon arc.
1. In this method, an electric arc is produced between the carbon electrode and the ‘work’. A rod of carbon is used as negative (-) pole and the ‘work’ being welded as positive (+) pole.
2. The carbon electrode does not melt itself. It is a non-consumable electrode.
3. The electrodes that are used in carbon arc welding consisted of baked carbon or pure graphite which was placed inside a copper jacket. 

4. During the welding process, the electrode is not consumed as the weld progresses; overtime, however, the electrodes will need to be replaced due to erosion. 
5. A filler rod is used separately at the welding joint.  The arc is established between the work-piece and a carbon electrode held in the electrode holder.
6. A long carbon arc is often desirable in order to prevent contamination of the weld metal with the carbon monoxide given, off by the carbon electrode under the energy of the arc.
7. In the carbon arc welding of light-gauge plates, the use of filler rod may not be necessary. But in welding of heavy plates of filler rod consisting of the same material as the base metal is generally used.
8. The filler rod is then inserted in the pool, the arc being directed against it just above the surface of the molten metal.
9. The end of the rod is thus melted off and deposited in the pool. The arc is played to and fro in the pool, thoroughly melting and mixing with the metal. No filler rod is necessary to make a lap weld on light-gauge metal with a carbon electrode.
10. The amount of fusion will depend upon the speed with which the arc is moved over the surface. For less fusion, the current should be increased and the electrode advanced at a faster rate. 
1. Low cost of equipment and welding operation
2. Skilled operator is not required;
3. The process can be easily automated
4. Low distortion of the work-piece.
1. Unstable quality of the weld produces porosity
2. Carbon of electrode contaminates weld material with carbides.
3. This welding process develops extremely bright light.  This bright light can be dangerous for the welder if they are not wearing the proper eye protection and clothing.
This process is used for welding both ferrous and non-ferrous metals like steel sheet, Brass, Bronze, Gunmetal, M/S-sheet, carbon-steel etc.

Sunday, 27 November 2016


Manual Metal Arc (MMA) welding is the most flexible and one of the most widely used arc welding processes. They can use either direct or alternating current, and consumable or non-consumable electrodes.
Manual metal arc process occurs when two wires which form part of an electrical circuit are brought together and then pulled slowly apart, an electric spark is produced across their ends. This spark or arc has a temperature of up to 3600-degree centigrade.
The heat of the arc melts the parent metal and the electrode which mix together to form, on cooling, a continuous solid mass. 
The central metal electrode or core wire acts as a consumable, providing the filler metal for the weld.

1. Arc welding processes use an electrical power supply to create and maintain an electric arc between an electrode and the base material to melt metals at the welding point.
2. One wire is connected to the job and other is connected to the electrode. The heat of the arc melts both of the job and the point of the electrode.
3. To create an arc for welding, a voltage between 60V and 100V is required to create the arc, once it arc established, 20V and 40V is required to maintain it.
4. Before welding commences, no current passes through the leads and the ammeter read zero, but the open circuit voltage is between 60V and 100V.
5. When the electrode is brought into contact with the job a large current, called short circuit current passes through the leads. The voltage drops almost to nothing. The tip of the electrode becomes hot because of the resistance created between it and the job.
6. When the electrode is withdrawn an arc is formed between the electrode and the job at the time voltage is 20V to 40V and the current falls to value to which it has been set. The arc is then in the normal welding condition.
7. As the arc is confined to a very small area it can melt metal almost instantly.  The molten metal from the electrode mixes with that from the job and forms the weld. This welding is not suitable for overhead welding because the globules do not fall by gravity.
8. During the deposition of weld metal, variations in both the voltage and current of the arc can occur and the welding plant must be capable of coping with these changes.
9. In MMA welding, the voltage is directly related to the length of the arc, and the current is related to the amount of heat input.
10. Constant current power supplies are most often used to manual welding processes. Because in manual welding, it can be difficult to hold the electrode perfectly steady, and as a result, the arc length and thus voltage tend to fluctuate.
MMA welding with DC the electrode only creates the arc and does not provide filler material, a positively charged electrode causes shallow welds, while a negatively charged electrode makes deeper welds.
MMA welding with AC the arc must be re-ignited after every zero crossing, which demands special power units that produce a square wave pattern instead of the normal sine wave, making rapid zero crossings possible and minimizing the effects of the problems.

1. It is the simplest form of welding processes.
2. The equipment can be portable and the cost is fairly low.
3. Used in many applications because of availability of wide variety of electrodes.
4. Welding can be carried out in any position with the highest weld quality.

1. It is not suitable for automation because the length of the electrode is limited and brittle in nature.
2. In welding long joints as one electrode finishes, the weld is to be progressed with the next electrode.
3. Unless properly cared, a defect or insufficient penetration may occur at the place where welding is restarted with the new electrode.
4. This process uses stick electrodes and thus it is slower as compared to Metal Inert Gas welding.

MMA welding can be used to join steels, stainless steels, cast irons and many non-ferrous materials. For many mild and high-strength carbon steels, it is the preferred joining method. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


The ampere is defined as the current, which when flowing in each of the two infinitely long parallel conductors of negligible, cross-section and placed one meter apart in a vacuum produces on each conductor a force of 2 x 10 ^-7 newton per metre length.
The Intensity of magnetization is the measure of the extent to which the force, the material is magnetized. It is denoted as ‘I’ and It is defined as the magnetic moment developed per unit volume of the material.
Intensity of magnetization (I) = M/V
Where M is the magnetic moment developed in the material and V is the volume of the material.
If m is the pole strength developed, a is the cross   area of the material and 2l is the length then
Intensity of magnetization = (m * 2l) /(a * 2l) = m/a
Intensity of magnetization = Ampere x metre^2) / (metre^2)
The unit of I is A/m
It indicates the how easily the material can be magnetized.
Magnetic susceptibility is denoted as Χm
Χm = Intensity of magnetization/ magnetic field intensity
Χm is a number. Χm is also called volume susceptibility of the material.
B-H curve shows that the permeability μr of magnetic material changes with the flux density B.
The part of the total magnetic flux which has its path wholly within the magnetic circuit is called useful flux.
The magnetic flux having its path partly in the magnetic circuit and partly in an air is called leakage magnetic flux.
Leakage factor = Total flux produced / useful flux
The leakage factor is assumed to be 1.15 to 1.25
When the flux lines cross the air gap, they tend to bulge out across the edges of the air gap. This effect is called fringing.
This increase depends on the length of the air gap.
Longer the air gap, greater is the fringing.

Generally, the increase in cross-sectional area of an air gap due to fringing is assumed to be about 10%.


1. Each magnetic line of force forms a closed loop.
2. No two magnetic lines of force intersect each other.
3. Where the magnetic lines of force are close together, the magnetic field is strong and where they are well spaced out, the field is weak.
4. Magnetic lines of force contract longitudinally and widen laterally.
5. Magnetic lines of force are always ready to pass through magnetic materials like iron and preference to pass through non-magnetic material like air.
Symbol of magnetic flux is ɸ
The magnetic flux is named after Willem Weber the founder of the electrical system of measurement.
The total number of magnetic lines of force produced by a magnetic source is called magnetic flux.
One weber = 10^8 magnetic lines 
One milli-weber = 10^-3 x 10^8 = 1,00,000 magnetic lines
One micro-weber = 10^-6 x 10 ^8 = 100 magnetic lines
(i) When the plane of the coil perpendicular to the flux direction maximum flux will pass through the coil.
Magnetic flux = B A Wb [A = area in m^2 normal to flux]
(ii) When the plane of the coil is inclined at an angle θ to the flux direction then flux through the coil.
Magnetic flux = B A sinθ Wb
(iii) When the plane of the coil is parallel to the flux direction θ = 0 so that no flux will pass through the coil.
Magnetic flux = 0 [since, θ=0, Sin0 = 0]
Flux density (B) in soft iron is much greater than it is in air.
B is in soft iron will be 8000 times the flux density in air.
Due to the high relative permeability of magnetic materials iron, steel and other magnetic alloys widely used for the cores of all electromagnetic equipment.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016


A magnet can be broken into many pieces, and each piece becomes a new magnet with its own North Pole and South Pole.
The invisible lines of force that make up the magnetic field are known as magnetic flux. It is denoted by Φ and its unit is weber.
A magnetic field is the region around the magnet where force of attraction and repulsion takes place.
This is a region where the external magnetic effects of magnet are concentrated or it is the point where the strength of magnet is maximum.
The unit of magnetic pole strength equal to the strength of a magnetic pole that repels a similar pole with a force of one dyne, the two poles being placed in a vacuum and separated by a distance of one centimeter.
Magnetic flux density at any point in a magnetic field is the magnetic flux passing per unit area at that point. It is denoted by B and its unit is Tesla or Weber / metre2
The magnetizing force or the magnetic field intensity is defined as the magnetic motive force per unit length of the magnetic flux path. It is denoted by H and its unit is ampere-turn / metre.
The force which drives the magnetic flux through a magnetic circuit is called the magnetic motive force. It is produced by passing electric current through a coil of wire have number of turns. It is measured in ampere-turns.
The property of a magnetic circuit which restricts the establishment of magnetic flux is called reluctance. It is denoted by S and its unit is ampere-turns / weber.
The reciprocal of reluctance of a magnetic circuit is called as permeance. It is denoted by P and Its unit is weber / ampere-turn.
A combination of media, mainly comprising ferromagnetic substance, forming a close circuit though which a flux of magnetic induction may pass.  
A simple magnetic circuit is made up of a single magnetic material. Thus such a circuit reflects the magnetic properties of the materials used.
It is a magnetic circuit which comprises of two or more elements whose magnetic properties are different.
It is the ratio between flux density to flux intensity. It is denoted by µ. µ = B / H. it has no unit, as it is a ratio.
Absolute permeability of a medium is given by the ratio of flux density to magnetizing force at a point in the medium µ0.
Relative permeability of a medium is given by the ratio of absolute permeability of the medium to the absolute permeability of vacuum. It is also equal to the ratio of flux density produced in a medium to the flux density produced in vacuum by the same magnetizing force µr.
A closed magnetic path consisting of different sections of varying permeabilities and physical dimensions but having the same magnetic flux is called a series magnetic circuit.
The flux created by the Magneto Motive Force (M.M.F) acting in the magnetic circuits gets divided into two or more branches/portions of the magnetic core. The fluxes in these branches may be different, but the magnetic potential drops across the branches may be different, but the magnetic potential drop across the branches remains the same. Such a magnetic circuit is called parallel magnetic circuit.
A part of magnetic circuit surrounded by a coil.
When a magnetic flux Ф is established in magnetic circuit of reluctances S there is a always a magnetic potential drop M along direction of the flux. 
The magnetic potential drop is the product of the flux and reluctance. M = S x Ф.
A small part of the flux completes its path through air rather than through the core, which is called as leakage reactance or magnetic leakage.
Reactance of the transformer due to leakage (primary flux not linking secondary) is called as leakage reactance of transformer.
The flux that follows in an undesired path is called leakage flux. The ratio of total flux to useful is called leakage flux co-efficient.
A magnetic material can retain the magnetism even after the removal of the magnetising source. This property of the magnetic materials is called retentivity.
The flux that remains in a temporary magnet after, it is removed from a magnet field is called residual magnetism.
A magnetic material is saturated when an increase in m.m.f. no longer increases the flux in the material.
Eddy current are those which are produced or induced in the masses of metals, whenever these metals are moved in magnetic field, or the magnetic field moves through the metals. The direction of the eddy currents is always in opposite direction to the cause (motion) to produce them.
The lagging of the magnetic induction with respect to magnetizing force is called magnetic hysteresis.
Transformers and choke produce strong magnetic in the space around the equipment. These magnetic field affect the performance of the equipment which are situated in close vicinity. Such a magnetic field may cause humming in radio receivers and also affects the readings of the measuring instruments. A hallow piece of ferromagnetic material is used to enclose the equipment which acts a magnetic shielding. The ferromagnetic material has high permeability.  
A coil usually of tubular form for producing a magnetic field.