Let us assume that a transformer is connected in a line between p and q in a multibus system. The transformer is represented a series admittance Ypq. Nominal tap ratio 1 : a and 't' is the imaginary bus between the ratio and admittance of the transformer.
Form, an admittance matrix for a four bus system shown in the figure. The line reactance values are in per unit. Neglect shunt capacitances.
If two line lines are between across the bus 01 & bus 02 and bus 02 and three. The reactance value of each line is j0.4 per unit. Form a new bus admittance matrix.
(a) A 3-phase transmission line bus 230 kV, 250 MVA, 400 km line of a symmetrical type. Find the bus admittance matrix for the two bus system. Assume R = 0.075 ohms, L = 1.5 mH, C = 12 nf.
(b) A shunt capacitance of 1.5 mf is connected to bus 1 and 2 mf is connected to bus 2. form the new Y-bus matrix.
For the system shown in the figure write the elements of Y-bus directly by
inspection method. Neglect line charging admittance of lines connected between
buses (4-1); (4-3) and (4-2), while the half line charging admittance of lines
between buses 1-2 and 3-2 is j0.25 p.u.
CASE – 01 – Remove the line between
bus 2-4 and find the new admittance matrix.
CASE – 02 – Remove the line between
bus 3-4 and find the new admittance matrix.
For the system shown in the figure write the elements of Y-bus
directly by inspection method.
Determine Y-bus matrix of the system network shown in the figure.
Assume half line charging admittance of each line as j0.01 p.u. Find the
modified Y-bus matrix.