Saturday, 12 September 2015

FURNACE - A furnace is a device used for high-temperature heating. The name derives from Greek word 'fornax', which means oven.

When a high voltage is applied across the air gap, the air in the gap gets ionized under the influence of electrostatic forces and becomes a conducting medium. Current flows in the form of a continuous spark, called the arc. Very high voltage is required to establish an arc across an air gap but to maintain an arc, small voltage may be sufficient.

An Arc can also be produced by short circuiting the two electrodes momentarily and then withdrawing them back. In this method of striking an arc, high voltage is not required. Arc drawn between two electrodes produces heat and has a temperature between 1000 degree centigrade and 1500 degree centigrade depending on the material of the electrode used.

1. Carbon electrodes are made of anthracite coal and coke, which are used with small furnaces for manufacture of ferro-alloys, Aluminium and Calcium carbide, Phosphorous etc.
2. Graphite electrodes are obtained by heating the carbon electrode to a very high temperature.
3. Self-baking electrodes are made of special paste, whose consumption depends upon the type of process for which they are used, contained in thin steel cylinder. The flow of current produces heat and the paste is baked and formed into an electrode which are employed in ferro alloys and electrochemical furnaces and in electrolytic production of aluminum.

Most commonly used electrodes are carbon and graphite electrodes with a size of diameter of 18 cm to 27 cm and are possessing the following properties.
1. Good electrical conductivity
2. Insolubility, 
3. Infusibility
4. Chemical inertness
5. Mechanical strength and 
6. Resistance to thermal shock.
[Thermal shock is a variation in temperature which causes tension in a material]

1.Carbon electrodes are amorphous (having no definite form or distinct shape).
2.Graphite electrodes are obtained by heating carbon electrodes to very high temperature, hence the impurities in the carbon electrodes are volatilized (chemistry- make volatile; cause to pass off in a vapor).
3.Specific resistance is lower in graphite electrodes than that of carbon, hence the size of the graphite electrode will be half of that of carbon for the same resistance, this leads to easy replacement and lighter control mechanism can be used compared to carbon.
4.Size of carbon electrode is higher than that of graphite electrode for same conductivity and therefore larger area of charge is in contact with the electrode this results in uniform distribution of heat.
5.The life of the refractory lining will be affected due to the arc being brought near to the side of the furnace, because of bigger size of carbon electrode.
6.When temperature exceeds 600 degree centigrade the oxidation of electrodes start and consumption of carbon electrodes begin.
7.Amount of graphite electrode consumed is about half that of carbon for the same work.
8.Carbon electrodes are cheap and cost less than one half as much for same weight as graphite electrodes.

There are three types of arc furnaces namely (i) Direct arc furnace (ii) Indirect arc furnace and (iii) Submerged arc furnace.

As the arc in direct contact with the charge, and heat is produced by the current flowing through the charge itself, the direct arc furnace gives high temperature.

1. This furnace consists of circular steel casting lined inside with refractory material
2. The cover is removable and a spare is usually kept for rapid replacement.
3. The holes are provided on the cover through which the electrodes are inserted.
4. The electrodes may be of carbon or graphite.
5. Automatic regulators are used to maintain the desired length to be inserted in the furnace.
6. The arc chamber consists of a suitable acid (ground ganister) or basic (magnesite mix) refactory lining supported on a metal frame work.
7. The acid process is mainly for making steel castings
8. This furnace is suitable for making alloy steels such as stainless and high-speed steel (High-speed steel (HSS or HS) is a subset of tool steels, commonly used in tool bits and cutting tools)
9.Ttwo electrodes are sufficient for single phase and d.c supply with this furnace operation.
10. The voltage between steel and electrodes may be of 40-145V.
11. Three phase supply given to the electrodes spaced at the corners of an equilateral triangle; the charge forms the star point.
12. In three phase furnace the voltage applied varies between 6.6 kV – 20kV.
13. The arc is controlled by varying the input voltage or by varying the arc length or by arc resistance.
14. Its operating power factor is 0.8 lagging and for one ton furnace, power required is 200 kW and the energy consumed is 1 MWh per ton.
15. The capacity of this furnaces is between 5 – 10 tons.

Since the arc current flows through the charge, the stirring action is inherent due to the electromagnetic force setup by the current which is the salient feature of this furnace. This results in uniform heating of the charge.

Cost of this furnace is very high, due to this it is restricted to refining than melting.

The common application of this type of furnace is to produce  high speed steel.

It is generally in cylindrical shape and arc formed between the electrodes above the charge and heat is transmitted to the charge solely by radiation.
1. The arc is produced by bringing the electrodes into solid contact and then withdrawing them.
2. Heat developed is lower than that of direct arc furnace.
3. The arc is struck between the charge and the electrodes which are projected from the top of the furnace.
4. The electrodes are projecting through the chamber from each end and along the horizontal axis.
5. The heat from the arc and the hot refractory lining is transferred to the top of the layer of the charge by radiation.
6. In this furnace current does not flow through the charge, so there is no stirring action.
7. This furnace requires racking mechanism that is the main reason why it is in cylindrical shape.
8. Racking mechanism must be used for thorough mixing of the charge.
9. While racking the molten metal in contact with the refractory lining will take some of its heat thus preventing it from high temperature.
10. The charge in this furnace is not heated only by radiation from the arc between electrode tips but also by conduction from the heated refractory, during racking action; so the efficiency of this furnace is high. Sometimes it also called as racking furnace.
In this furnace input power is regulated by adjusting the arc length by moving the electrodes.
1. Suitable for single and three phase supply system.
2. Capacity of this furnace varies from 0.25 ton to 3 tons.
3. The operating power factor is 0.85 lagging.

1. Flexible in operation.
2. Melting is rapid and takes place in a complete closed chamber resulting in small heat losses and low power consumption.
3. Metal losses due to oxidation and volatilization are quite low.
4. Overall cost of production of molten metal per ton is low.
5. Sound casting in thin and intricate (having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate) designs can be produced.

1. Rocking mechanism is required and
2. Costly than direct arc furnace

1. This furnace is employed in iron foundries where relatively small quantity of metal is required intermittently.
2. Mainly used for melting non-ferrous metals

In this furnace arc is formed in between electrodes and hearth electrodes.
1. It is cylindrical in shape and carbon electrodes are commonly used.
2. In this furnace hearth is lined of magnesite which becomes comparatively good electrical conductor when hot.
3. Sometimes conduction hearth is also used as an electrode in this furnace.
4. The number of electrodes depends upon the supply i.e. single or three phase supply in which bottom conductor is connected to neutral.
5. The holes are provided on the cover through which the electrodes are inserted.
6. The arc current from the top electrode passes through the arc to the charge and returns through electrodes at the bottom of the charge.
7. By varying the distance between the electrodes or supply voltage, power can be controlled.
8. Charge between the electrodes acts as a resistance providing better heat distribution and better mixing of charge is naturally obtained in this furnace.
9. Under short-circuited condition the current is limited by the charge.
10. Its operating power factor is 0.8 lagging.


It is suitable for manufacturing of Ferro-alloy like Ferro chrome and Ferro- manganese.

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