601. atone (v) ஈடுசெய்,
amends for; turn away from sin or do penitence [adv – atoningly, n –
atonement, adj – atoneable]
# According to religious tradition, Christians believe Jesus
died on the cross to atone for the sins of
Ant. lose, fine, deprive
chamber that is connected to other chambers or passageways (especially one of
the two upper chambers of the heart); the central area in a building; open to
the sky [adj – atrial]
# There
is a beautiful atrium in the newly constructed library.
603. atrocious
(adj) மிகக்கொடிய,
or wantonly wicked, criminal, vile, or cruel [n – atrocity, adv – atrociously]
# It was atrocious that a judge was attacked by a lawyer in the court.
# It was atrocious that a judge was attacked by a lawyer in the court.
Ant. delight, lovable, desirable
604. atrophy (n) உடல்
மெலிவு, சத்தின்றித் தேய்ந்து போதல்
wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or
nerve damage, degeneration, decline, or decrease, as from disuse [adj – atropic, v – atrophy]
# If
muscles do not receive enough blood, they will soon die of atrophy.
Ant. develop, flourish, germinate, improve
605. attaché (n) ஒரு
நாட்டு தூதரின் உடன் இருப்பவர், பற்றுதலுள்ள
subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy
# An attaché of
American Embassy helped me to get visa.
606. attentive
(adj) கவனமுள்ள
paying attention [n – attentiveness,
adv – attentively]
Students fall silent and become attentive
to hear the chief guest speak.
Ant. neglectful, inconsiderable, inattentive
607. attenuate
(v) தளர்த்தியான,
weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value [n – attenuation, adj – attenuated]
# Trees,
help a lot in attenuating the impact of pollution.
expand, increase, intensify, strengthen
608. attest (v) சான்று
கூறு, கையெழுத்திட்டு உறுதியளி
certify as accurate, genuine, or true [n
– attestation, adj – attestable]
# The
Company needs only the attested copies
of his original certificates.
Ant. deny
609. attire (n) உடை
esp. formal [v – attire, adj – attired]
Choose right attire while
attending interviews.
610. attitude (n) நடத்தை,
a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving
that is caused by this [adj – attitudinal]
# Positive
generate confidence.
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