- 01
electric train has an average speed of 50 km per hour on a level track between stops 1500 m apart. It
is accelerated at 1.7 kmphps and is braked at 3.3 kmphps. Draw the speed-time
for the run.
- 02
electric train is to have acceleration and braking, retardation of 0.8 kmphps
and 3.2 kmphps respectively. if the ratio of maximum to average speed is 1.3
for stops of 30 sec.Find schedule speed for a run of 1.5 km. Assume simplified
trapezoidal speed-time curve.
- 03
electric train has a schedule speed of 25 km per hour between station 800 m
apart. The duration of stop is 25 seconds, the maximum is speed is 20 percent
higher than the average running speed and braking retardation is 3 kmphps.
calculate the rate of acceleration required to operate this service.
- 04
suburban electric train has a maximum speed 70 km per hour. The schedule speed
including a station stop of 20 seconds is 45 kmph. If the acceleration is 3.5
kmphps, find the value of retardation when the average distance between stops
is 4 km.
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