Wednesday, 27 February 2019


191. aerobics (n) ரத்தத்தில் ஆக்ஸிஜன் அளவை கூட் டவும்இதயத்தையும், நுரையீரலையும் திடகாத்திரமாக வைக்க செய்யும் உடற்பயிற்சி
Aerobics is a form of exercise which increases the amount of oxygen in your blood and strengthens your heart and lungs. [adj – aerobic]
# The actor is doing aerobics and weight training in the gym regularly.

192. aeronaut (n) சிறிய ரக விமானத்தை இயக்குபவர்
someone who operates aircraft [adj aeronautical, aeronautic]
# My uncle became a professional aeronaut, making numerous public ascents in the chief continental cities.

193. aerostat (n) வான்வெளி மிதவை
a balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air
# Generally aerostat or helium balloon will be used for the grand opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games.

194. aerostatics (n) வளியின் அமைதி நிலை பற்றிய இயற்பியல்
the branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical properties
# There are more job opportunities for mechanical engineers in the field of aerostatics.

195. aesthetic (adj) அழகான, அழகுணர்ச்சி சார்ந்த
tasteful; artistic, of or sensitive to beauty [n aestheticism, adv aesthetically]
# The aesthetic view of a rose is priceless.
Ant. displeasing, ugly

196. affable (adj) சுலபமாய் நெருங்க இடங்கொடுக்கும்,
friendly, courteous [n affability, adv affably]
# He is a great cricket player and more importantly an affable person.
Ant. unfriendly, disagreeable, rude

197. affair (n) அலுவல், காரியம், விவகாரம்
a situation or set of related events, especially bad ones
# Nowadays, wedding functions are a costly affair.

198. affaire (n) தவறான உறவு
a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship
# The typist had a love affaire with the manager.

199. affect (v) பாதிப்பு, செயல் விளைவு 
to produce an effect on, (a disease etc.) attack, move emotionally [adj – affecting, adv affectingly]
# Intake of a lot of pain killers will affect the kidney.
Ant. leave unmoved, informal, leave cold

200. affectation (n) செயற்கையான பாங்கு, பாசாங்கு
artificial manner, pretense [adj affected]
# She sang the prayer song without affectation.
Ant. genuine, naturalness, simplicity


Sunday, 24 February 2019


181. adversity (nதுரதிருஷ்டம்,இடுக்கண் 
misfortune, distress
# In every adversity there is an opportunity.
Ant. good fortune, success, blessings

182. advert (v) குறிப்பிடு, சுட்டிச்சொல்
to refer incidentally, to make reference to, make a more or less disguised reference to [n advert]
# The teacher adverted the history of Taj Mahal while teaching in the class.

183. advice (n) புத்திமதி, அறிவுரை
an opinion which someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation
# Advice is freely given but rarely taken.
Ant. misinformation, misrepresentation

184. advise (v) புத்திசொல், அறிவுறுத்து, அறிவி           
to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation [v advise, adv advisedly, n adviser, adj – advisable] 
# My father advised me don’t use the cell phone while driving.                  
Ant. unsuitable, improper, inexpedient

185. advocate (n) பரிந்துபேசுபவர்
one who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court [v – advocating, n advocacy]
# Doctor should be an advocate for the patient and not for any system of medicine.  
Ant. oppose, attack, opponent

186. aegis (n) பாதுகாப்பு, ஆதரவு
with the protection or support of a particular organization or person
# Music competition was conducted under the aegis of London Music Academy. 
Ant. disfavour, opposition

187. ageism (n) தலைமுறைப் பாகுபாடு
treating people unfairly because of their age [adj – ageist]
# Ageism plays an important role in the film industry.

188. aerate (v) காற்றுபடும்படி விடு, திரவமும் கார்பன் டை ஆக்சைடையும் கலந்து அழுத்தம் நிரப்புதல் 
to add a gas, esp. carbon dioxide, to a liquid under pressure, to make it possible for air to become mixed with soil, water, etc. charge (a liquid) with carbon dioxide, expose to air [n aeration, adj – aerated]
# You should aerate the soil before planting the seeds.

189. aerial (n) தடவடிவ மின்னலைக்கம்பி
a piece of equipment made of wire or long straight pieces of metal for receiving or sending radio and television signals [adj – aerial, adv  aerially]
# The application of aerial in radios is used to receive the radio signal.
Ant. land, on the ground, down to earth

190. aerie (n) பெரும் பறவைகளின் உயரத்தில் இருக்கும் கூடு
the lofty nest of a bird of prey (such as a hawk or eagle), any habitation at a high altitude
# An aerie of eagles is cooling off in a pool of water in the lake garden.

Thursday, 21 February 2019


171. adulatory (adj) அதிகப்படியாக புகழ்ந்து பேசுவது  
excessively praising or admiring [n – adulation, v – adulate]
# I had read a Reader's Digest collection of adulatory articles about Hitler.
Ant. denounce, condemn, offend, insult

172. adulterate (v) கலப்படமான
make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance, to make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients [n adulteration, adj – adulteration]
# Adulterated petrol will spoil the engine parts.

173. adultery (n) பிறர்மனை உறவு
sex between a married man or woman and someone who is not their wife or husband [adj adulterous]   
# Adultery is frequently cited as grounds for divorce.
Ant. faithfulness

174. adumbrate (v) சூசகமாக அறிவி
describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of, give to understand, to represent beforehand in outline or by emblem [n adumbration, adj  adumbrative, adv adumbratively]
# The project's objectives were adumbrated in the report.

175. ad valorem (adjஉரிய மதிப்பீட்டின் படி
(of a tax) according to the estimated value of the goods being taxed [adv – ad valorem]
# The foreign goods were taxed ad valorem.
Ant. pro rata

176. advent (n) வருகை
the coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state or personage
# The globe became small after the advent of the internet.
Ant. end, finish, expiration

177. adventitious (adj) எதிர்பாராது இணைக்கப்பட்ட, கூடுதலான, புறமிருந்து வருகிற, புறவளர்ச்சியான, இடைநிகழ்வான
not expected or planned; associated by chance and not an integral part [n adventitiousness, adv adventitiously]
# The metal coverings defend both bulbs from solar radiation or any adventitious source of heat.
Ant. hesitant, dull, routine

178. adventure (n) வீரச்செயல்
unusual and existing experience, enterprise, voyage [adj adventurous, v adventure]
# Climbing the Mount Everest is an adventure.
Ant. inaction, inactivity, stillness, avoidance

179. adversary (n) விரோதி, பகைவன், எதிரி
someone offers opposition, an opponent in a contest; contestant [adj – adversarial]
# Many leaders were murdered by their political adversaries.
 Ant. ally, accomplice, friend

180. adverse (adj) தீங்குவிளைவிக்கும், பாதகமான, எதிரான
contrary to your interests or welfare, in an opposing direction [n adverseness, adv – adversely]
# The sudden adverse rain 
Ant. favourable, helpful, supporting


161. admixture (n) கலத்தல், கலவைக்கூட்டு, கலவைப்பொருள்
the action of adding an ingredient to something else, thing added, esp. a minor ingredient, adding of this
# Human life is an admixture of joy and sorrow.
Ant. separation, division

162. admonish (v) நயமாக்க கண்டி, எச்சரிப்புச்செய்
counsel in terms of someone's behavior, warn strongly; put on guard [n  admonishment, adj admonitory]
# The Professor admonished the students about ragging.
Ant. praise, compliment, commend

163. ado (n) அமளி, வெறும் ஆரவாரம்
a rapid active commotion, time-wasting bother over trivial details
# Easter festival was celebrated with much ado in Saint Joseph’s church.
Ant. calm, peace, serenity

164. adobe (n) வெயிலில் காய்வுற்ற பச்சைச்செங்கல்
a mixture of earth and straw made into bricks and dried in the sun, used to build houses in some parts of the world; sun-dried brick used in dry climate
# Adobe houses need proper maintenance.

165. adolescent (adj) வளரும் இளமைப்பருவத்தைச் சார்ந்த
between childhood and adulthood [n adolescence, adv – adolescently]
# Adolescence is a golden period in one’s life.
Ant. adult, child, mature

166. adonis (n) அழகிய ஆண் மகன்
beautiful man, handsome young man [adj – adonic]
# He is a well-mannered adonis with a good academic record.

167. adopt (v) கடைப்பிடி, தத்தெடு
to take by choice into a relationship [n adoption, adj adoptive]
# The Principal, appealed to the students to adopt trees as pets.
Ant. give up, repudiate, reject

168. adore (v) மிகுநேசம் கொள்,போற்று, வழிபடு
love intensively, worship as a divine, like very much [n adoration, adj adorable]
# He's a good teacher. All his students adore him.
Ant. hate, dislike, belittle

169. adorn (v) ஒப்பனைசெய், அழகுசெய், அழகூட்டு
add beauty to, decorate [n adornment]
# Polished granite walls adorn the church.
Ant. simplify, strip, bare

170. adroit (adj) கைதேர்ந்த, திறமையான, நிபுணனான
having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers 
[n adroitness, adv adroitly]
# He is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.
Ant. clumsy, awkward, unhandy