Sunday, 24 February 2019


181. adversity (nதுரதிருஷ்டம்,இடுக்கண் 
misfortune, distress
# In every adversity there is an opportunity.
Ant. good fortune, success, blessings

182. advert (v) குறிப்பிடு, சுட்டிச்சொல்
to refer incidentally, to make reference to, make a more or less disguised reference to [n advert]
# The teacher adverted the history of Taj Mahal while teaching in the class.

183. advice (n) புத்திமதி, அறிவுரை
an opinion which someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation
# Advice is freely given but rarely taken.
Ant. misinformation, misrepresentation

184. advise (v) புத்திசொல், அறிவுறுத்து, அறிவி           
to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation [v advise, adv advisedly, n adviser, adj – advisable] 
# My father advised me don’t use the cell phone while driving.                  
Ant. unsuitable, improper, inexpedient

185. advocate (n) பரிந்துபேசுபவர்
one who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court [v – advocating, n advocacy]
# Doctor should be an advocate for the patient and not for any system of medicine.  
Ant. oppose, attack, opponent

186. aegis (n) பாதுகாப்பு, ஆதரவு
with the protection or support of a particular organization or person
# Music competition was conducted under the aegis of London Music Academy. 
Ant. disfavour, opposition

187. ageism (n) தலைமுறைப் பாகுபாடு
treating people unfairly because of their age [adj – ageist]
# Ageism plays an important role in the film industry.

188. aerate (v) காற்றுபடும்படி விடு, திரவமும் கார்பன் டை ஆக்சைடையும் கலந்து அழுத்தம் நிரப்புதல் 
to add a gas, esp. carbon dioxide, to a liquid under pressure, to make it possible for air to become mixed with soil, water, etc. charge (a liquid) with carbon dioxide, expose to air [n aeration, adj – aerated]
# You should aerate the soil before planting the seeds.

189. aerial (n) தடவடிவ மின்னலைக்கம்பி
a piece of equipment made of wire or long straight pieces of metal for receiving or sending radio and television signals [adj – aerial, adv  aerially]
# The application of aerial in radios is used to receive the radio signal.
Ant. land, on the ground, down to earth

190. aerie (n) பெரும் பறவைகளின் உயரத்தில் இருக்கும் கூடு
the lofty nest of a bird of prey (such as a hawk or eagle), any habitation at a high altitude
# An aerie of eagles is cooling off in a pool of water in the lake garden.

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