Saturday, 2 February 2019


131. acuity (n) ஐம்புலன்களால் உணர்ந்து கொள்ளும் திறன்
sharpness, acuteness
# Smoking affects your acuity at work.
Ant. dullness, stupidity, folly, bad judgment

132. acumen (n) நன்கு சிந்தித்து வேகமாக முடிவெடுக்கும் திறமை
the ability to hear, see or think accurately and clearly, quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination [adj – acuminous]
# The bank manager has a real business acumen.
Ant. dullness, stupidity, folly, bad judgment

132. acute (adj) தீவீரமான, குறைந்த கால அளவுடைய
series, severe, keen [n – acute, adv acutely]
# There will be an acute shortage of drinking water in summer in Chennai.
Ant. dull, blunt, mild

133. adage (n) முதுமொழி, மூதுரை
traditional maxim
# `Catches win matches' is an adage.
Ant. paradox

134. adamant (n) பிடிவாதம் செய்கிற
stubbornly resolute, unyielding [adj adamant, adv adamantly]
# Youngsters are adamant and do not obey the elder’s advice. 
Ant. yielding, flexible, indifferent

135. adapt (v) தழுவு, மாற்றி அமைத்துக்கொள்ளக்கூடிய
adjust to a condition; alter; modify [n.- adaptation, adj.-adaptable]
# Animals easily adapt themselves to live in any environment.  
Ant. disarrange, dislocate, unfit, disorder

136. addenda (n) பிற்சேர்க்கைகள்
something added or to be added, especially a supplement to a book, things to be added [n addendum]
# Many Nobel Prize winners’ email-Ids are given in the addenda of the book.

137. addict (v) கெட்ட பழக்கத்திற்கு அடிமை,  துர்ப்பழக்கமுள்ள
dependent on a drug etc. or as a habit [n – addiction, adj – addictive]
# Many senior citizens are addicted to Tele serials.
Ant. withdraw, break the habit

138. additive (n) சேர்க்கை, உணவில் ருசிக்காக அல்லது உணவை பதப்படுத்திவைக்க சேர்க்கப்படும் ஒரு வகை பொருள்
accruing; growing in size or effect; a substance which is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to preserve it [adj – additive]
# Chocolate coloring is an additive to attract children.
Ant. decreasing, subtracting

139. addle (v) தெளிவாக சிந்திக்க முடியாமல், குழம்பிய
make unable to think clearly; confuse [adj addled]
# My brain is a bit addled by whiskey.
Ant. clear up, explain

140. add-on (n) கூட்டுறுப்பு, சேர்த்தல்
a component that is added to something to improve it  [v.- add-on]
# We sat on opposite ends of the sofa in the add-on living room.

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