Monday, 1 April 2019


291. alma mater (n) தாயக கல்வி நிலையம்
a school, college, or university at which one has studied and, usu., from which one has graduated
# Former students are asked to donate money to their alma mater.

292. almanac (n) பஞ்சாங்கம்
an annual publication containing a calendar for the coming year, important dates, and the times of such phenomena as sunrises and sunsets, phases of the moon, and tides
# In 1713 the first Almanac was printed in India at Tarangambadi in TamilNadu.

293. almighty (adj) சர்வவல்லமையுள்ள
having unlimited power [n almighty]
# The Almighty created this universe.
Ant. insignificant, weak, powerless

294. alms (n) பிச்சை, தருமம், கொடை
voluntary contribution to aid the poor, charity
# Public is not to encourage children seeking alms by giving them money.

295. aloft (adj) உயரத்தில் தலைக்குமேலே
high up, overhead, upwards  [adv – aloft]
# The hydrogen-filled balloon went aloft smoothly.
Ant. below, low down, beneath

296. alone (adj) தனிமையாய், தன்னந்தனியாக
isolated from others [adv alone]
# He alone wrote the arrears exams in his batch.
Ant. accompanied, with others, jointly

297. aloof (adj) ஒதுங்கி, தற்பெருமையுடன் விலகிநின்று
remote in manner, not friendly or willing to take part in things,  [n – aloofness, adv – aloofly]
# The British Royal family usually stands aloof from politics.
Ant. warm, friendly, neighborly

298. altar (n) தொழுகை மேடை, படையல் மேடை, வணங்குதற்குரிய இடம்
An altar is a holy table in a church or temple, any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned
# In the more important shrines, as at Jerusalem or Samaria, there would be an altar of stone or of bronze.

299. alter (v) திறுத்தி அமை
to make a change in [n – alteration, alterability, adj – alterable, adv – alterably]
# He gave two shirts to the tailor for minor alteration.
Ant. keep retain

300. altercate (v) தீவிரமாக விவாதி, சண்டையிடு, பூசலிடு
to argue or quarrel with intensity; wrangle, have a disappointment over something, to contend angrily or zealously in words [n – altercation]
# In my street two families are always altercating over something.
Ant. agreement, accord, making up 

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