Tuesday, 16 April 2019


351. amulet (n) தாயத்து
charm worn against evil, a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease
# Ozone Layer is the safety amulet saving all living beings from the ill effects of the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun.

352. amuse (v) மகிழ்ச்சியடையச் செய், குதூகலமடையச் செய்
cause to laugh or smile, interest or  occupy [n – amusement, amuser, adj – amusable, amusing, adv – amusedly]
# Amuse yourself by doing gardening in your free time.
Ant. tire, bore, weary

353. anachronism (n) தற்காலத்திற்கு ஒவ்வாத ஒன்று, காலத்திற்கொவ்வாமை
a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age, anything occurring or existing out of its proper time [adj – anachronistic, adv – anachronistically]
# Shakespeare's placing of a clock in Julius Caesar is an
anachronism, because clocks had not yet been invented in the period.

354. anaconda (n) தன் இரையை நெருக்கிக் கொல்லும் பெரிய தென் அமெரிக்கப் பாம்பு, மலைப்பாம்பு வகை
large non-poisonous snake killing its prey by constriction
# The anaconda is famous now after the Hollywood movies by the same name.

355. anaerobe (n) காற்றில்லாமலும் வாழும் நுண்ணுயிரி
an organism (esp. a bacterium) that does not require air or free oxygen to live [adj – anaerobic]
# Some bacteria can only live in anaerobic conditions

356. anagram (n) சொல்லின் எழுத்துமுறை மாற்றிப்புதுச் சொல்லாக்குதல்
the letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase
# Anagrams are part of crossword puzzles.

357. analects (n) ஒரு (அ) ஒன்றிற்கும் மேற்பட்ட நூலாசிரியர்களின் நூல்களில் இருந்து எடுக்கப்பட்ட பகுதிகள்
a collection of excerpts from a literary work
# Analects from the Koran is scared.

358. analgesic (adj) வலி நிவாரணி, உணர்ச்சியின்மை உண்டுபண்ணுகிற
relieving pain [n – analgesia]
# Frequent intake of analgesic drugs damage the kidney.
Ant. irritant

359. analogous (adj) ஒத்த, ஒப்புமையுடைய, ஒத்திசைவான
corresponding (to some other) in certain respects, as in form, proportion,  relations [n – analogue, analogousness, adv – analogously]
# Super computer is analogous to the human brain.
Ant. dissimilar, unlike, different

360. analogy (n) ஒப்புமை, ஒத்ததன்மை
a comparison between things which have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea [adj – analogical]
# He drew an analogy between the heart  and a pump.       
Ant. dissimilarity, difference

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