Sunday, 17 March 2019


201. affection (n) நேசம், பாசம்
a positive feeling of liking [adj affectionate]
# She had an affectionate relationship with her grandparents.
Ant. hate, loathing, healthfulness

202. affidavit (n) உறுதிமொழித்தாள், ஆணைப்பத்திரம்
a written statement confirmed by oath
# The judge examined the drafted affidavit of the police.

203. affiliate (v) உறுப்பினராக ஏற்றுக்கொள், உறுப்பாக இணை
adopt or connect, as a member or branch [n affiliation]
# The World Bank is an affiliated agency of the United Nations.
Ant. leave, resign from, disassociate

204. affinity (n) இணக்கம், ஈர்ப்பு
The definition of affinity is a strong connection or relationship between people or things
# We have created an affinity group for people who love classical dance.
Ant. aversion, repulsion, disliking 

205. affirm (v) உறுதிப்படுத்து, வலியுறுத்து
establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts, say yes to
# She affirmed to marry her boyfriend after completing a college education.
Ant. deny, nullify, reject

206. affirmative (adj) ஆம் என்பது, நேர்முக உறுதியுரை, உடன்பாடான                  
answering yes; to a question at issue, agreeing with or consenting to a statement or request [n affirmation]
# To the question of whether she would take tea or coffee his reply was a simple affirmative.
Ant. dissenting, negative, doubtful

207. affix (v) ஒட்டவை
fastens, attach, add in writing [n – affix, adj – affixed]
# He affixed a stamp to the envelope.
Ant. detaches, unfasten, take off

208. afflict (v) தொந்தரவுசெய், வருத்து, அல்லற்படுத்து
distress physically or mentally, cause great unhappiness for; distress [n  affliction]
# IT professionals are afflicted by extraordinary stress and strain.
Ant. relieve, comfort, delight

209. affluent (adj) செல்வமிக்க, வளமான
rich, wealthy [n affluence]
# All Americans are not affluent.
Ant. poor, indigent, impoverished

210. affray (n) தெருச்சண்டை, சச்சரவு, அமளி
noise quarrel, noise fight, brawl
# He was arrested for causing an affray in the meeting.
Ant. compromise, retreat, peace

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