241. aide-de-camp (n) உயர் ராணுவ உயரதிகாரின் உதவியாளர் / மெய்க்காப்பாளர்
a military officer acting as a confidential assistant to a senior officer
# On the flight crash the prince went missing while the prince's aide-de-camp survived.
Ant. saboteur
242. aileron (n) வாலிறகு
an airfoil that controls lateral motion
# The ailerons are used to control the aircraft in roll.
243. ail (v) வருந்து, தொந்தரவுசெய்
be ill or unwell, Cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed [adj – ailing]
# His ailing father suffered from diabetics.
Ant. make strong, be in good health, well be strong
244. ailment (n) வியாதி, நோய்
slight sickness, minor disorder
# Eye ailments are common among IT professionals.
Ant. healthy sign, fitness
Ant. healthy sign, fitness
245. air (v) காற்றுப்படும்படிச்செய், ஒளிபரப்பப்புவது, ஒரு கருத்தை / மனக்குறையை பொதுவெளியில் வெளிப்படுத்துவது
expose (a room) to the open air in order to ventilate it, express (an opinion or grievance) publicly, [n – air, adj – airy]
# A thief aired his sufferings while in the police custody to the Judge.
246. ajar (adj) பாதி திறந்து
slightly open
# The door of the house is slightly ajar and a pair of chappals indicates someone has entered the house.
Ant. closed
247. akimbo (adj) முழங்கைகள் வெளிப் பக்கமாக உள்ள நிலையில், கைகளை இடுப்பில் வைத்து
(of the arms) with hands on hips and elbows turned outwards [adv – akimbo]
# Standing behind the sofa with arms akimbo, John told the painter what to do.
248. akin (adj) இரத்த உறவு, ஒத்த
related by blood, similar in quality or character
# Devotion to god is akin to watering the roots of the tree.
Ant. unrelated, unconnected, different
249. alabaster (n) பளிங்குக்கல்
a white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum
# The hotel walls were lined with stones and alabaster.
250. alacrity (n) ஆயத்தம், தயாரான தன்மை, சுறுசுறுப்பு, உற்சாகம்
liveliness and eagerness [adj – alacritous]
# He alacrity to learn more about physics grew as he ardently studied the subject.
Ant. unwillingness, unconcern, slowness
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