agitated (adj) உளக்குழப்பமுடைய, கிளர்ச்சியான செயல்குழப்பமுடைய,
feeling or appearing troubled or nervous [n – agitation, agitator, v -
# Avoid taking decisions when you are in an agitated mood.
Ant. clam, tranquility
232. agitprop (n) கலை, இலக்கியம், சினிமா
மூலம் அரசியல் பரப்புரை செய்தல்
political propaganda (especially communist propaganda)
communicated via art and literature and cinema
# Issue-based films are dismissed as “agitprop”
by the censor board.
233. agnate (n) தந்தைவழித் தலைமுறை
related to the father’s side [adj – agnate]
# He is my agnate as
well as a close friend.
Ant. disunited, estranged, unfriendly
234. agnostic (n) கடவுளை
என்றுமே முழுமையாகப் புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாது என நம்புபவர்
a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge
about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist) [adj – agnostic, adv –
# As an agnostic, he does not believe in life
or in rebirth.
Ant. believer
235. agog (adj) ஆவலுடன் எதிர்பார்த்து, ஆவல்நிறைந்த நிலையில்
highly excited, having or showing keen interest or intense
desire or impatient expectancy
# The teenagers were agog
at the sight of the movie actress in the railway station.
Ant. uninterested, bored
236. agonize (v) வருந்து, மன வேதனைப்படுத்து
suffer or cause to agony [adv – agonizingly, n - agony]
# The traffic policemen are mentally agonized due to heavy traffic in the city.
Ant. enjoy, exhilarate, relax
237. agrarian (adj) பயிர்த்
தொழில் சம்பந்தமான, வேளாண்மைசார்
pertaining to land, especially agricultural land, pertaining
to the promotion of agricultural interests [n – agrarianism]
# Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala are the agrarian states of southern India.
Ant. manufacturing, industrial
238. agronomy (n) உழவுத்
தொழில் பற்றிய கலை (அ) அறிவியல்
the science of crop production and soil management
# The University started a new course on irrigation and agronomy.
239. aground (adj) நிலத்தில்
stuck in a place where a ship or boat can no longer
float [adv – aground]
# The boat was aground
on the shore.
Ant. afloat
240. ahead (adj) முன்னால், முன்னாடி
having the leading position or a higher score in a contest, in a forward direction; at
or in the front [adv – ahead]
# The train moved ahead
slowly towards north direction.
Ant. behind
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