111. acme (n) உச்சி, நிறைவெய்திய நிலை
the highest point (of achievement etc.) [adj – acmic, acmatic]
# Nobel Prize winners reach the acme of fame.
Ant. depth, low point, bottom, abyss
112. acolyte (n) திருக்கோயில்
ஏவலர், திருக்கோயில்
person who helps a priest in some
church ceremonies, one who attends or assists a leader
# The cine director dined with a few of his acolytes.
113. acoustic (adj)
ஒலிப்புலன் சார்ந்த
pertaining to the act or sense of hearing [n – acoustics, adv – acoustically]
# The cinema theaters are acoustically designed.
114. acquaint (v) பரிச்சயம்
to make familiar or conversant
# College students must acquaint themselves with the latest development in
computer world.
Ant. hide, keep secret, withhold, reserve
115. acquaintance (n)
personal knowledge or information about someone or something, a
relationship less intimate than friendship [adj – acquainted]
# She is not my girlfriend, just an acquaintance.
Ant. stranger, good friend, unfamiliarity
116. acquiesce (v)
எதிர்ப்பின்றி ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுதல்
to agree or express agreement, agree esp. by default, to comply; submit [n – acquiescence, adj – acquiescent, adv – acquiescently]
# The Chief Minister
had acquiesced to the demands of the opposition.
Ant. resist, refuse, demur
117. acquire (v) திறமையாலும்
அனுபவத்தாலும் முயன்று
to get as one's own, come into possession [n – acquirability, adj –
# Knowledge has to be acquired by constant learning and experience.
Ant. lose, be deprived of, give up
Ant. lose, be deprived of, give up
118. acquisition (n)
the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of
something, something acquired [adj – acquisitive]
# Government has started land acquisition for the development of the Information Technology (IT) park.
Ant. dearth, lack, need, want
119. acquit (v) குற்ற விடுதலை
to free or clear, as from accusation [n – acquittal]
# The court alone can acquit a person.
Ant. charge, indict, convict
120. acquittance (n)
கடனிலிருந்து விடுபடுதல், சம்பள இரசீது
the discharge of a debt or obligation, a document giving
evidence of this, a legal document evidencing the discharge of a debt or
# Every month the workers had to sign the acquittance register to get their
Ant. carelessness, heedlessness, neglect, thoughtlessness
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