51. absolve (v) குற்றச்சாட்டினின்றும் விடுவி
the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance, set free to pardon [n – absolver, adj – absolved]
# John asked the priest to absolve his sins.
Ant. accuse, convict, be held responsible
52. abstain (v) தவிர், ஒதுங்கி இரு
to keep oneself back (from doing or using something) refrain from indulging
# Students should abstain from politics.
Ant. indulge in, surrender, give in to
53. abstemious (adj) உணவு வகைகளை உட்கொள்வதில்மிதமாய்
sparing in consumption of especially food and drink, moderate or ascetic, esp. in eating and drinking [n – abstemiousness, adv – abstemiously]
# The only way to avoid becoming obese is by being abstemious and only eating what is necessary to survive
Ant. self-indulgent, undisciplined, uncontrolled
54. abstention (n) செய்தலைத் தவிர்த்தல், வாக்களிக்காதது
non-indulgence, the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol)
is a formal act of not voting either for or against a proposal
# The constitutional amendment was approved with 500 votes for, 30 votes against and 15 abstentions.
Ant. indulgence, abandon
55. abstinence (n) தவிர்த்திருத்தல், விட்டுவிடுதல்
the act of not taking part in something, self-denial [adj – abstinent]
# Abstinence from smoking is now mandatory in shopping malls.
Ant. self-indulgence, greediness, dissipation
56. abstract (adj) சுருக்கம், புலனாகாத
an abstract idea or way of thinking is based on general ideas rather than on real things and events. [n – abstraction, v – abstract]
# Vedas are abstract and difficult to understand.
Ant. clear, expansion, unite, combine
57. absurd (adj) பொருத்தமில்லாத, நகைப்புக்கு இடமான, நகைப்புக்கு இடமான, எள்ளிநகையாடத் தக்கக்க
If you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it because you think that it is ridiculous or that it does not make sense [n – absurd]
# The actor said that it was absurd to compare Hollywood movies with Tamil movies.
Ant. rational, reasonable, sensible
58. abstruse (adj) எளிதில் புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாத hard to understand or profound, inappropriate [n – absurdity, adv – absurdly]
# Astrology involves abstruse calculations.
Ant. reasonable, logical, sensible, sound
59. abundant (adj) அளவில் நிறைந்துள்ள
plentiful, rich, profuse [n – abundance, adv – abundantly]
# Solar energy is abundant in nature.
Ant. scarce, deficiency
60. abuse (v) தவறான பயன்பாடு, ஏசு
use improperly, misuse, insult verbally [adj – abuse, n – abuser]
# Many police officers abuse their powers.
Ant. respect, protect, praise
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