1. abacus (n) counting device, a calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves
# Abacus is the mother of all calculators.
2. abandon (v) give up with the intent of never claiming again, leave behind empty; move out of [n – abandonment adj – abandonable]
# Many old scooters were abandoned in the parking lot.
Ant. keep, maintain, restraint
3. abandoned (adj) deserted, forsaken, unprincipled [v – abandon, adv – abandonedly]
# Many college students are leading an abandoned life.
Ant. occupied, well kept, unprincipled
4. abase (v) lower, humiliate, degrade [n – abasement]
# Some politicians abase themselves to get a post from their leader.
Ant. elevate, uplift, honor
5. abashed (adj) embarrassed, ashamed, disconcerted [n – abashment, v – abash, adv – abashedly]
# I got abashed when my girlfriend called me an idiot.
Ant. proud, poised, heartened
6. abate (v) to become less strong, diminish. lessen [n – abatement, adj – abatable]
# The wind abated after the storm.
Ant. increase, grow, strengthen
7. abattoir (n) a slaughterhouse, a building where animals are butchered
# The cattle was led to the abattoir.
8. abbess (n) the superior of a group of nuns
# The abbess is highly respected people in the church.
9. abbey (n) monastery, convent, nunnery
# Westminster Abbey is a huge church in London.
10. abbot (n) the superior of a community of monks
# Many abbots are living in Tibet.
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