Sunday, 20 January 2019


91. accouter (v) ஆடைகள் ஆயுதங்களைத் தவிரப் போர் வீரர் பயன்படுத்தும் பிற பொருள்கள்.
provide with military equipment, to dress, to equip [n – accouterment]
# The soldiers were ordered to accouter themselves before the start of the battle.
Ant. reveal, take off, unclothe, uncover

92. accountable (adj) பதில் சொல்லும் பொறுப்புடைய
responsible; required to account for ones’ conduct, understandable [n – accountability, adv – accountably]
# The nationalized banks should be accountable to their customers.
Ant. blameless, innocent, guiltless

93. accredit (v) பரிந்துரை, மதிப்பேற்று
to give credit or authority to, gain influence for or make credible [n accreditation, adj – accredited]
# Students prefer to join engineering colleges accredited by the National Board.

94. accretion (n) இயற்கையான திரள் வளர்ச்சி, இயற்கையான வளர்ச்சிப்பெருக்கம்
something contributing to growth or increase or increase by accumulation, (geology) an increase in land resulting from alluvial deposits or waterborne sediment [adj –accretive]
# Accretion of fat leads to heart blocks.
Ant. loss, decrease, reduction

95. accrue (v) சிறுகச் சிறுகச் சேர், இயல்பாகச் சேர்தல் தொகை ஏற்றம்
come as a natural increase or advantage [n – accruement, adj – accruable]
# Interest on deposited money in the savings account accrues regularly.
Ant. decrease, diminish, dissipate

96. accumulate (v) குவிகிற, சிறுகச் சிறுகச் சேருகிற
to become greater in quantity or number [n – accumulation, adj – accumulative]
# He accumulated a lot of novels in his reading room.
Ant. scatter, disperse, distribute

97. accursed (adj) சபிக்கப்பட்ட, சாபக்கேடான, வெறுத்தொதுக்கத்தக்க, அருவருப்பான
under the curse, detestable, annoying [n – accursedness, v – accurse]
# He preaches under the slogan: 'Any diversion from the true path will be the path of accursed Satan'.
Ant. great, kind, nice, sweet

98. accusation (n) குற்றச்சாட்டு, குற்றம் சுமத்தல்
a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person; the act of imputing blame or guilt, accusing or being accused [adj accusatory, accusative]
# Investigators have made accusations of corruption against a group of former Ministers.
Ant. replay denial, rebuttal

99. accuse (v) குற்றஞ்சாட்டப்பட்ட, குற்றஞ்சாற்றப் பெற்ற
to charge with wrongdoing, blame charge with crime or fault,  make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against [n – accused]
# The accused was remanded to the police custody.
Ant. rebut, deny, defend

100. accustom (v) பழக்கப்பட்ட, வழக்கமான
to make familiar by use [adj – accustomed]
# We are so accustomed to the corruption that nobody does anything.
Ant. not familiar, infrequent, occasional, unused

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