Saturday, 18 May 2019


481. appropriate (adj) உரிய நேரத்திற்குகான   / தக்க சமயத்திற்குகான நோக்கம்
suitable for the purpose and circumstances [n – appropriation, adv – appropriately]
# Government should distribute seeds and fertilizers at the
appropriate time to the farmers.
Ant. unbecoming, unfitting, unseemly, unsuitable, improper

482. appurtenance (n) ஒன்றுடன் இணைக்கப்பட்ட மிக முக்கியமான ஒன்று
addition, help, equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc.; a supplementary component that improves capability
# I went to the market to purchase golf appurtenance.
Ant. lessening, subtraction, detriment

483. apropos (adj) உரிய நேரத்திற்குகான / தக்க சமயத்திற்குகான
of an appropriate or pertinent time [n – apropos, adv – apropos]
# The Prime Minister’s remarks about the budget were very apropos.
Ant. unsuitable, irrelevant, inappropriate

484. apt (adj) தக்க சமயத்திற்குகான / சரியான தருணத்திற்காண
suitable or right for a particular situation [adv – aptly]
# E-mail is an apt service to give message to all at a time.
Ant. incorrect, unsuitable

485. aquatic (adj) நீரில் வளரும் (அ) நீருக்கருகில் வாழ்கிற
growing or living in water, aquatic plant or animal [n – aqua]
# We humans were once ‘aquatic apes’.

486. aqueduct (n) வாய்க்கால்
a water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance [adj – aqueous]
# Two huge aqueducts over 22 km were erected by the Public Works Department to irrigate 58 villages.

487. aquiline (adj) கழுகு போன்ற
of or like an eagles, (of a nose) curved [n – aquilinity]
# Her large expressive eyes and aquiline features are suitable for vile role.
Ant. straight

488. arable (adj) சாகுபடிநிலம், பயிரிடஉகந்த நிலம்
(of land) suitable land for crop production [n – arability]
# India has more arable land than China.
Ant. infertile

489. arbiter (n) மத்தியஸ்தர், தகராறுகளைத் தீர்ப்பவர்
one chosen or appointed, by mutual consent of parties in dispute, to decide matters
# The government appointed an arbiter to solve the water dispute between two states.

490. arbitrage (n) கம்பனியின் பங்குகளையோ அல்லது அந்நியநாட்டுப்பணத்தையோ ஒரு வணிக சந்தையில் வாங்கி லாபம் பெற மற்றொரு வணிக சந்தையில் விற்கும் நடவடிக்கை
in finance, arbitrage is the activity of buying shares or currency in one financial market and selling it at a profit in another [v – arbitrage]
# The Finance Minister said that the IT industry had definitely moved beyond cost arbitrage.

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