421. anticyclone
(n) எதிர்ச்சூறாவளி
atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward
# High pressure areas are called anticyclones.
# High pressure areas are called anticyclones.
422. antidote (n) நஞ்சு முறி மருந்து
that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like
Humor may be one of the best antidotes
to stressful situation.
423. antioxidant
(n) ஆக்சிஜெனேற்றத்தடுப்பான்
that inhibits or inhibits reactions promoted by oxygen or peroxides
# Herbs have higher antioxidant
properties than fruits and vegetables.
424. antipathy
(n) விரோதம், இயற்கையான வெறுப்பு
aversion or dislike [adj – antipathetic,
v – antipathize]
# My
friend had an antipathy
towards mathematics and science.
liking, love
425. antiphon (n) எதிரெதிர் பாடுவதற்கு உரிய
response or alteration of responses, generally musical [adj – antiphonal]
# The meeting concluded with an antiphonal rendering of many a poem on freedom movement by eminent poets.
# The meeting concluded with an antiphonal rendering of many a poem on freedom movement by eminent poets.
426. antiphony
(n) புகழ்பாடல் தொகுதி
anthem or other composition sung responsively, an alternate (responsive)
singing by a choir in two parts
# I often attend choral performances and enjoys antiphony.
# I often attend choral performances and enjoys antiphony.
427. antipodes
(n) எதிரெதிர் முகடுகள்
place or region on the opposite side of the earth [adj – antipodean]
# India and Mexico are antipodes.
# India and Mexico are antipodes.
428. antiquary
(n) பழமையார்வலர், பழம்பொருள் ஆய்வாளர்
who collects and examines old things, as coins, books, medals, weapons, etc.[n – antiquarian]
# His
father is a famous surgeon and antiquarian.
429. antiquate
(v) பழமைப்படுத்து, பழமையாக்கு
make old or out of date [adj – antiquated]
# Compact Disc will become antiquate in course of few years.
# Compact Disc will become antiquate in course of few years.
430. antique (adj) பழங்காலத்துக்குரிய, பண்டைகால வழக்கங்களைப் பின்பற்றுகிற
to ancient times, old fashioned [n –
antiquity, v – antique, adj – antique]
# She
had a fine collection of antique
Ant. up-to-date, recent, modern
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