Thursday, 2 May 2019


381. animate (v) உயிருண்டாக்கு உயிருள்ள
to make alive, heighten, or intensify [n – animation, adj – animated]
# You can animate your text in the MS Word.
Ant. kill, dampen, bore

382. animosity (n) விரோதம், குரோதம்
spirit of feeling or hostility, a feeling of ill will that tends to display itself in action
# There has been animosity between India and Pakistan since 1950.
Ant. good will, love, friendship

383. animus (n) கெட்ட எண்ணம், கடும் வெறுப்பு
ill feeling, strong dislike
# Her animus towards her father is rather difficult to digest until you understand that it is essential at a later stage.
Ant. friendliness, harmony, affection

384. ankle (n) கணுக்கால்
joint between the foot and leg
# The batsman was out of the game because of a right ankle sprain.

385. anklet (n) கொலுசு; சிலம்பு; சலங்கை
ornament worn around the feet
# Most south Indian women wear anklets on sentimental grounds.

386. annals (n) ஆண்டு நிகழ்ச்சித் தொகுப்பு, வரிசைக்கிரமமான சரித்திரக் குறிப்பு
a record of events in their chronological order, year by year [n – annalist, adj – annalistic, adv – annalistically]
# The visit of president was a red letter day in the annals of university’s history. 

387. annex (v) இணை, சேர்த்துக்கொள், சேர்
to add or affix at the end [n.-annexation, adj.-annexable]
# The temple annexed the area across the river.
Ant. detach, add, connect

388. annihilate (v) நாசம் செய், அழி
to destroy absolutely, completely [n – annihilation, adj – annihilative]
# Daily prayer helps us to annihilate our ego.
Ant.  built, create, make

389. annotate (v) உரைவிளக்கங்கொடு, குறிப்புகள் மூலம் விளக்கு
to add a short explanation or opinion to a text or drawing           
# Annotated editions of Shakespeare's plays help readers to understand old words.

390. annuity (n) குறிப்பிட்ட காலஅளவுக்கோ வாழ்நாள் காலத்துக்கோ ஆண்டுதோறும் குறிப்பிட்ட நாளில் முறையாக அளிக்க்பபடும் பணத்தொகை
an annual allowance, payment, or income
 # The Bank introduced an annuity linked insurance policy which provides a guaranteed pension.

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