Friday, 31 May 2019


541. artiste (n) பாடகர், நடிகர், நடனம் புரிபவர்
a public performer (dancer or singer)
# His father is painter but his brother is an artiste.

542. artistic (adj) கலைத்திறன் வாய்ந்த, கலைச்சுவையள்ள
having natural skill in art, skillfully done [n – artistry, adv – artistically]
# Good singing is the artistic expression of human joys.

543. artless (adj) கபடில்லாத, எளிமையான
showing lack of art, Simple and natural; without cunning or deceit  natural, clumsy [adv – artlessly]
# His
artless manners kicked her in love.
Ant. artful, pretentious

544. artwork (n) கலை வேலைப்பாடு
photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication
# I have recently completed a piece of artwork that includes an image of Hitler.

545. ascend (v) ஏறு, ராஜாவாக / ராணியாக / போப்பாக அரியணையில் நியமிக்கப்படுவது அல்லது அந்த பதவியை அடைவதற்கான தகுதியடைவது   
if you ascend a hill or staircase, you go up it, if someone ascends to an important position, they achieve it or are appointed to it. When someone ascends a throne, they become king, queen, or pope [adj – ascended, n – ascendancy]
# She ascended the throne after the King's death.
Ant. go down, descend

546. ascension (n) ஏற்றம் சார்ந்த, ஏற்றமான
the act of rising, a movement upward, (astronomy) the rising of a star above the horizon, the act of changing location in an upward direction 
# U.S. media welcomed the ascension of peace talks between India and Pakistan.
Ant. declension, decline

547. ascent (n) ஏற்றம், வளர்ச்சி
rising, progressing, upward slope or path
# India is on an
ascent in the game of cricket and hockey.
Ant. lowering, decline, descent

548. ascetic (adj) துறவியாக வாழ்கின்ற
given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion, Practicing great self-denial [n – asceticism, adv – ascetically]
# Plants are truly ascetic demanding little from other life forms.
Ant. sociable, friendly

549. ascertain (v) உறுதிசெய், ஆராய்ந்தறிந்து கொள்
find out for certain [n – ascertainment]
# Doctors are unable to ascertain the cause of the death of an old lady.
Ant. invalidate, counteract, contradict

550. ascribe (v) குறித்துக்காட்டு, உரியதாகக் கருது,
to believe or say that something is caused by something else; to assign as a quality or attribute [n – ascription, adj - ascribable]
# We often
ascribe the success of others to luck but our own to hard work.
Ant. commend, praise

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