401. antagonism
(n) பகைமை, முரண்பாடு, பகை முரண்
opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, or persons [n – antagonist, adj – antagonistic]
# We
must not be antagonistic
towards our neighbours.
liking, friendliness, amity
402. antagonize
(v) எதிர்ச்செயலாற்று, எதிர்ததுப்போராடு
make hostile, provoke [n –
antagonization, adj – antagonizable]
# The
policeman had to antagonize
the criminal in order to get him to cooperate.
conciliate, placate, mollify
403. antebellum
(adj) முந்திய போர்
or during the period before a war, esp the American Civil War
# He
focused his studies on the role of farmers during the antebellum period.
404. antecedent
(n) முன்னுதாரணம்
who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order, or
causality [v – antecede, adj – antecedent]
# Each storm was worse than its antecedent.
# Each storm was worse than its antecedent.
after, following
405. antechamber
(n) இடைக்கூடம், கூடத்தின் முக்கிய அறைக்குச் செல்வதற்குரிய இடைவழியறை
waiting room for those who seek audience
# The university conference hall has been converted into an antechamber.
# The university conference hall has been converted into an antechamber.
406. antedate (v) முந்தின தேதி
assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one
# The practice of buying and selling slaves in the United States antedated the Civil War.
# The practice of buying and selling slaves in the United States antedated the Civil War.
407. antediluvian
(adj) மிகபழமையான
the time before the flood, very old, outdated
The old walking stick was so ancient it
appeared to be antediluvian.
408. antenatal
(adj) பிறப்பிற்கு முந்திய, பேறு காலத்திற்கு முற்பட்ட
or existing before birth
# Antenatal care is very important for pregnant woman.
# Antenatal care is very important for pregnant woman.
409. anterior (adj) முன்புற, முன்பகுதி
nearer the front
# The Church in the capital is considered anterior to church in Rome.
# The Church in the capital is considered anterior to church in Rome.
Ant. ending,
posterior, subsequent
410. ante-room
(n) முக்கிய அறைக்குச்செல்லும் இடைவழியறை, பின்கட்டு அறை
room situated before and opening into another, usually larger
# Visitors watch the paintings in the little ante-room before the conference hall.
# Visitors watch the paintings in the little ante-room before the conference hall.
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